Friday, October 10, 2008

Crab Carnival booth

Hey all,

My booth at the Crab Carnival in West Point last Saturday did very well. I made $536. I just about sold out of small sizes in every fabric. I guess small dogs get dressed up more that larger dogs. My parents fixed a huge spread of food for all that came. My cousins came and brought goodies. My Sisters and brother were there with there families. My brother brought his golf cart to my parents so we could transport people back and forth to the booth area and parade. My nephew who is 6 loved to drive the cart around the yard and my sister who is thirty-something loved to drive people back and forth downtown. John didn't like to drive back and forth too much. We all had a great day. It's just so awsome selling selling selling.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I hope we can get there next year. It sounds like fun