Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Christmas Set

Hello All,

I've been working like crazy this week. I was supposed to have off Sunday and I worked till 6:30pm. Monday I went in to work insanely early and worked till 6:00 then went to the grocery store to get stuff for us to eat this week. Yesterday I got up early went and voted and then off to
work and I worked til 10pm last night. Today I went in at 7:30 and worked til 5:30. Well It paid off Christmas is set except for where the Halloween candy is left. My boss came in today and I think he was happy about the Christmas. I still have some issues but they will get done next week. I don't have a day off til the 21st of November so I can go home for Seth's birthday.
I finished the book I was reading, Odd Thomas. It is a really good book.

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