Saturday, August 15, 2009


So I worked today until 4pm. I got alot of work done that I don't think would get done while I'm gone. There was a note for me that my boss came in again last night and he said he wanted to talk to me. So I called him today and he said no he just wanted to see me. Weird. So now I'm on vacation and I am starting something new. I am going to walk everynight. Me and John are going to dinner and then walk around the track at Gap. I want to do it everyday. We will see how that goes. I need to do something or I'm not going to fit into those Crab Pants in a month and a half. Wow we only have a month and a half until we go to the beach. Sweet. I can't wait. This week I plan on cleaning cleaning and cleaning, here again we'll see how that goes.

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