Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Wonderful Trip

Hello all, It has been a long time since I've written. Christmas was great, my boss gave me off the weekend after so we got to stay in West Point until Sunday. Then we went to Annies the weekend after for Maddys birthday party. And I believe I had one other day off since then. I had inventory on Monday January 18th so I worked very hard and long hours to get the work done. Inventory went well and my figures came out pretty good. So the weekend after inventory me, Amy, Jennifer and Momma went to New York for a day of Crafting with Charlotte Lyons. We made tote bags out of old wool sweaters that had been felted. Mine turned out nice but pretty plain compared to the others which were lacy and flowery. They looked great too but its just not me. I brought home the pattern to make slippers. I should really make them before I forget how to. When I got home I bought both of Charlottes books. There are some wonderful projects in the one I have received all ready and I'm waitng on the other one. I hope to go back one day and get her to sign the books for me. She is such a nice lady. She picked us up at the train station. She was a wonderful teacher on Saturday. Oh yeah and she gave us a great tour of Irvington New York where we were. She went to dinner with us on Saturday and took my sister and Mom to church on Saturday and then drove us to our hotel on Saturday after dinner and picked us up and took us to Penn Station in New York City on Sunday Morning very early. She is an awsome friend. Suzanne made our lunch on Saturday and we got to see her beautiful Victorian house which was decorated so wonderfully. So today I'm off and I don't know what to do. I should clean the house. I really don't like to waste my days off staying at home. I do have to take John's mom to Walmart sometime today and John needs to take his glasses back because they aren't right. Yes John got glasses and his teeth fixed, he is a new man. My friends said I need to becareful or someone might scoop him away from me, getting him all done up.

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