Wednesday, October 29, 2008

They did it!

The Philly's did it, they won the World Series. The people in Philadelphia are out in the streets
celebrating big time. Vicky, I did take John's mother to the doctor last week. She was sounding
better last week before she left to go to Annie's.

World Series...

Well it could be over tonight. Right now the Philly's are winning 4 to 3 in the top of the 8th. Its been painful wait. Philadelphia needs to start winning something. Yesterday just north of Philly got 3 inches of snow and the Poconos got 13 inches of snow. I'm not ready for the cold much less
the snow. Next week it is supposed to be in the hight 60's. Since John's mother is gone for 3 weeks I have cooked. I went to the grocery store Monday and made dinner Monday night and tonight and I'll cook tomorrow. Then I have to work Friday night, Saturday night and Sunday be I don't have to work all day Sunday, just until the Christmas is complete, which could be all night. I'm going to dress up for work on Friday. My mom made me a poodle skirts a while back and I painted white tennis shoes to look like saddle oxfords so I'm going to be a Rite Aid manager from the 50's. I will post pictures Friday. Tomorrow is truck day I have to be at work and ready to unload the truck at 5am. Ok well Go PHILLY'S.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Work Work Work

Sorry I haven't blogged in almost a week. I've been waking up and going to work until 10pm and coming home and going to bed and waking up again and going to work. Today I'm off and I've already done 4 loads of laundry. John has requested meatball hoagies for dinner so I have to get out to the grocery store sometime today. I also need my nails done sometime today and I'm still in my PJ's. I'm reading Odd Thomas and I can't put it down. I worked at another store on Saturday night after opening my store and the power went off cuz someone hit a pole with a transformer attached so It wasn't coming back on that night. We left the store at 8pm it usually closes at 9pm but the power had been out for more that 2 hours and my boss said I could leave. I worked yesterday all day, I counted all of my holes in the store (empty spots with no merchandise) and I had 1345 holes. Wow thats alot of merchandise I don't have and a lot of missed sales. The truck is probably going to be huge this week. I also had to recount the cigarettes because our count we did on Friday didn't save for some reason. It was a waisted day for getting the stockroom emptied so I'll have to focus on that the next two days when I go back tomorrow. We have to have Christmas all set and ready by Sunday. I have alot of Halloween candy that needs to sell this week. Ok well back to reading.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Early Tuesday

This morning John had to be at work at 4am. He didn't come to be until after 11pm. When I got home from work this evening he had removed all of the air conditioners out of the windows and vaccumed the windows. It is cold outside and windy. I don't like the cold. If you haven't checked out the show Fringed on Fox you should it is really good. House was good tonight too.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Monday Monday

So I got up this morning and took the dogs out to a frost covered yard and 36 degree air, wow thats cold. Thank goodness it wasn't breezy. So I called the doctor at 8am to get John's mom a
doctors appointment but they don't open till 9 on Mondays so I called again at 9 and left a message and they called back soon after and we have an appointment at 11:30. She needs to get better before she flies on a plane. I'm reading Odd Thomas by Dean Koontz, one of my employees let me borrow it and it is so good I can't put it down. I have housework to do but I can't do the laundry until the showers are taken so I figure I will read. I need to finish this baby blanket also and the baby sweater, the baby is due in January. I will be working 6 days a week from Thanksgiving to Christmas but I scheduled myself 6 days this week. I got to get caught up from my vacation.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Cool Sunday

Hey Everybody,

It sure is a cool Sunday here in Cochranville. While we were on Vacation 2 weeks ago we take our 2 dogs, Aptiva and Pikachin to Hurrand Kennels in West Point Va. Kathy the owner has been keeping Aptiva cute since we got her 11 years ago. Kathy has a website for her Kennel and she took some pictures of Pika when he was there and she said she was going to post them on the site. He is in the Cab service section half way down under two small dogs on the right side. Pika's caption ways another happy camper. Check it out.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Saturday and I'm off

Yahoo!!! I'm off on a Saturday. I wasn't originally off today but my assistant needed off Tuesday and she said she would work Saturday night so I jumped on that and said oh goodie then I can go
to the baby shower for my sister in-law. We were asked to write a letter to the baby, so I did that this morning with a little help from John. It's a bit brisk out this morning. Fall is here I guess. My sister Amy is featured in Country Living magazine this month, It is on a fold out page that has two aprons on the left side and then the right side folds out and she is named on the far right at the bottom and her project is the house on the right bottom of the page. Check it out.

Friday, October 17, 2008


I slept in till 8am boy did that feel good, then I cleaned up the spare bedrooms a bit and put sheets on the beds for family that is coming up to go to the baby shower tomorrow. I'm off to work now and I work till 10pm so I'll probaby be too tired to do anything when I get home. I have a lot of work to do today at work, thats why I'm going in a little earlier than I'm scheduled.
Have a great Friday.


Thursday, October 16, 2008

Bosses Day

Today is bosses day and 3 of my employees bought me a card. We were having a good day getting the truck out. Then we found out that McCain was down the road at the Sports Center
speaking to voters. The police were all over. They closed the road and we heard that a lot of white vans went by with police in front and in rear.


Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Tough times

Today I got a sysm from my boss that I had to cut 8 hours from this weeks schedule, thank goodness I had an employee that can't work her 8 hour shift on Saturday. I wrote the schedule for Halloween week and I had to cut some people that week, the week that we have so much to do and it is supposed to be busy. I can't hire anymore employees because I don't have the hours to give someone new. Its getting tought but I don't think it is going to be any different anywhere else. I got a thank you note from my friends that got married last month and they enclosed a photo of them leaving the church, that was so nice of them to do that. They look so wonderful.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Back to work

Well going back to work wasn't so bad. I was up before the alarm sounded this morning. I got to the store and read my 139 sysm's (email) and all of the little notes everyone left for me. The store looks really good and tasks got done. The girls did a wonderful job while I was gone. Only one employee quit which is not bad. We got home last night at around 7:30 and went to Chilli's for dinner. Then we unloaded the car and I unpacked the suitcases. I was exhausted so I read for a while and went to sleep. John came to bed at 4:45am, he fell asleep in the chair. I got off on Saturday to go to the baby shower, which is a sweet surprise. My assistant Kathy called me and asked me if she can have off Tomorrow and she will work Saturday night so I said sure that way I can go to the shower. Now when Vicky comes up I can spend some time with her. It seems like whenever they come up I always have to work and we don't get to spend much time together. Well I have some beer left over from vacation so I think I'm going to have one.


Saturday, October 11, 2008

Kickin myself

I wanted to go see the house that was in The Nights in Rodanthe but I didn't go. I should have gone today but I didn't want to drive because I wouldn't know where to park or stop. The house has been condemed and may not be there next year.

Last day

Hello All,

Today was supposed to be a beach day all day but when we got up this morning there wasn't any beach and the wind is howling. The waves are rough also. So the day may not go as planned. I'm going to get out on the beach though, it may not be for as long as I excepted to be. We just finished breakfast, daddy fixed yummy omlets and biscuits and the children had pancakes. I think the guys are going to the pier to fish. The way the waves are today I don't think we are going to see any Whales today. But I will update if we do.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Crab Carnival booth

Hey all,

My booth at the Crab Carnival in West Point last Saturday did very well. I made $536. I just about sold out of small sizes in every fabric. I guess small dogs get dressed up more that larger dogs. My parents fixed a huge spread of food for all that came. My cousins came and brought goodies. My Sisters and brother were there with there families. My brother brought his golf cart to my parents so we could transport people back and forth to the booth area and parade. My nephew who is 6 loved to drive the cart around the yard and my sister who is thirty-something loved to drive people back and forth downtown. John didn't like to drive back and forth too much. We all had a great day. It's just so awsome selling selling selling.

Outer Banks Vacation

Today we had a whale in the ocean right out from the house. It was awsome.