Sunday, November 30, 2008

Sunday Sunday

Hello There,

While I was sleeping last night I was awoken by the vibration of my phone on the floor beside the bed at 3:09am. The only people that call me that early are the alarm company for Rite Aid, ADT. The motion in the stockroom had been tripped so I got up put my contacts in and started to get dressed, John was just coming to bed and he offered to drive me since he was still awake.
So we get in the car and start the journey to the store. As we were going down the road I thought I saw snow. We saw the biggest buck on the side of the road just standing there thank goodness. We got to the store and the police had just gotten there and he came in the store with me and I told him I would follow him since he has the gun. We went to the stockroom were it looked like a box had tumbled down the belt and Bounty papertowels were all at the bottom. So while driving to the store we noticed that just after we turn off the bypass there was an accident so when we left the store to come home we went by to see if we could see what happened at the accident scene but they were just finishing up and we couldn't tell anything. So we got home at 4am and I went to sleep for 3 more hours. Loosing that hour this morning really made me tired today at work. I'm off tomorrow and I'm getting the spare room ready for John's brothers arrival on Wednesday.

Saturday, November 29, 2008

The McLean Thanksgiving

I worked 1/2 a day and then we went to Annie's and Andrew's for Thanksgiving dinner. We arrived a little before 2pm and Steve, Vicky, Danny, David, Chris and Elizabeth arrived a few minutes later. Annie showed us the nursery and the furniture they picked out is beautiful. Me and Vicky helped Annie put the bedding on the bed and it was more fun than putting up a Christmas tree. We sat around and talked for a while and then it was time to eat. Everything was soooo good. Well I got to get knitting only 5 more weeks until the baby's arrival.

Friday, November 28, 2008

Black Friday

Well my Black Friday started at 3:30am but not to go shopping, to go to work. I unloaded the truck by myself, because my assistant was at Kohls shopping. John came to help me as I was unloading the last totes. He helps me put the empty totes back on the truck. It is so nice of him
to come help me so early even when he doesn't have to work. I left work at 3pm and went to the grocery store to get rolls for tomorrow. I'm watching Jeff Dunhams Christmas special, He is sooooo funny. John doesn't think he is funny. I can't believe he doesn't think he is funny.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Thanksgiving is here

Well tomorrow is Thanksgiving. I have to work til 3pm. I don't think we are going to be busy. I didn't schedule a cashier, that will be me. That will help me save in payroll and use more on truck day. My regional Vice President was in the area yesterday but he didn't come to my store. He will probably come today. I have to drop off a transfer at another store today and then I'm getting my nails done and then off to work.

Monday, November 24, 2008

Nice weekend away

Ok well it snowed all day on Friday and John got home about 4pm and we left at 5pm with the snow still falling and me driving. When we got into Maryland the snow was on the road. On 95 the road looked wet but it wasn't snowing anymore, until south of Baltimore and then it was snowing hard. We got to John's brothers house about 7:30 and dropped John's mother off there for the weekend. It was soooo cold. So then off for the second leg of the trip, it was 8:30 and I knew another way to 95 instead of going back to 495. We got to my parents at 11pm. John slept that whole leg. We got up Saturday morning and got ready for the day and then went to Sandra's and Shawns about 11am and stayed until 7pm, Seths birthday was Saturday and he had a party. He got lots of money and great presents. He wanted his gifts under the tree, so when he opened his gifts he was facing the tree with all of his friends behind him, it was so cute. We went over to my parents neighbors house to see there house they are building and see how they have come along since we were home for Crab Carnival. Mike was installing tongue and groove wood floors. Wow what a job. Lindsy was tiling the shower. Then we went to Jennifer and Billy's to watch a movie so we saw Christmas with the Kranks. I fell asleep and missed alot of the movie. On Sunday we got up and had a big breakfast prepared by daddy and then we went Christmas shopping in fast forward. Jennifer made me a list and we went from place to place very quickly. Then we came home and ate Thanksgiving dinner it was sooo yummy. My cousins Patsy and Richard came for dinner and Patsy brought gifts for a Yankee swap. It was so much fun.

Friday, November 21, 2008

Wake up call

So Its my first day off in over 3 weeks and I am awaken by Aptiva barking and she only barks when someone is in the driveway or the traffic stops or a horse and buggy goes down the road, so I get up and look out the window and there is a state trooper at the end of the driveway and a suv in the field and snow on the ground, yes snow. We are expecting 1 to 3 inches. We have about an inch now.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Looking forward

So I finally have a few days off at the end of this week. We are going home to West Point for my nephews 7th birthday party and my mother is cooking Thanksgiving dinner for me. I can't wait.
I sooooo need a day off. John's mother got home tonight, she said it was 86 degree yesterday in Miami. We went out to dinner after John picked her up at the airport and when we came out of the restaurant a state trooper was in the parking lot and a girls car was broken into, the passengers front window was busted out. The car was parked in front of John's car. Boy are we lucky it wasn't one of our cars. Like I have the time to take my car to get the window fixed.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Rainy Saturday

Well another week gone. It will be Christmas before we know it. My sister Jennifer has almost
completed her shopping. My other sister, Amy is in Nebraska at Silver Bella. John's mother comes back tomorrow from her 3 week birthday present. Next weekend we are going to West Point for Seth's 7th birthday party. I have Friday off and I need a day off sooooo bad.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Cold Cold Cold

I'm not ready for the cold weather. I is cold tonight, it is supposed to go down into the 30's tonight and only be in the 40's tomorrow. Burrrrr.... I have to go to a meeting tomorrow in Harrisburg. We are supposed to learn about changes to policies in Human Resources. The company is cutting were ever they can. We seem to think they are going to cut out deliveries. This would cut out car leases, gas and a 40 hour a week associate. I got a call today from our Loss Prevention manager, she asked me if I had anyone I could send to another store to cover for about an hour while the store has a profit enhancing meeting with associates. It will be good to see Dee, I haven't seen her since the Managers meeting in Baltimore. She broke her arm this summer and was still in a sling while in Baltimore, so we took care of her while there. I'll fill you in tomorrow about the meeting.

John's first poker game

Well I got John to go to Ruffini's last night and play some poker. It doesn't cost anything to get to play and you can will $100. I went over after work and sat at the bar and had a cheesesteak
sandwich and fries and a beer. I kept looking over to see how he was doing and he had a pile of chips in front of him. Later they combined tables and he moved around the table. A bit later I look over and he's gone, so I went outside to see if he was smoking and the car was still there so I came back in and called him and he was on his way home. He didn't see me sitting there and so he left. I was flabergasted. I couldn't believe he didn't see me. I was even parked right beside him. Oh well. So the Giants won. I would have been something if he won the $100 or even the $50 gift certificate (second place) to the restaurant. They have really good food and martini's.
He will probably go back and play again. I'll keep ya posted. This is practice for Alantic City.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Try to do the right thing.

I had to go back and forth with my boss this week to keep my assistant at 45 hours a week. He said she was going to do it though the holiday and they may have to transfer her after the first of the year and get me a salaried assistant. I didn't tell my assistant because things may change before the new year and she had asked for a transfer so I didn't think she would mind. My what drama I go though at work.
So If you didn't know this is the last season for ER and they are bringing back George Clunney and Dr. Carter. It's going to be a great season. Well off to bed I've been up since 3:30am.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Christmas Set

Hello All,

I've been working like crazy this week. I was supposed to have off Sunday and I worked till 6:30pm. Monday I went in to work insanely early and worked till 6:00 then went to the grocery store to get stuff for us to eat this week. Yesterday I got up early went and voted and then off to
work and I worked til 10pm last night. Today I went in at 7:30 and worked til 5:30. Well It paid off Christmas is set except for where the Halloween candy is left. My boss came in today and I think he was happy about the Christmas. I still have some issues but they will get done next week. I don't have a day off til the 21st of November so I can go home for Seth's birthday.
I finished the book I was reading, Odd Thomas. It is a really good book.